Some days you get out of bed and you feel supercharged, ready to face the world. On other days, you wake up lethargic and the low energy permeates throughout your day. While this could seem like a random occurrence and part of the cycle of life, it is not. Various factors might seem random but they actually have a huge impact on your productivity.

Knowing what exactly causes your productivity to fluctuate can help you to be consistent in your productivity at all times. Some of these things are so random; you have probably never even stopped to consider what a huge difference they can make. Some of them are because of your direct environment while others are due to your actions. Here are some of the factors that affect your productivity.


You Love Multitasking

No matter what you might have heard in the past, multitasking does not work. Various studies have shown that trying to do many things at once only ensures that you are less effective at all of them. The studies show that multitasking can increase the amount of time you spend on tasks by up to 40%. Focus on a single task and devote all your energy to it. You will do it better and much faster.


Refusing to Take a Power Break

While at the office, it might often seem like if you take a break, you will be able to accomplish less. However, if you do not give your brain some time to recover, it will only cause you to be less productive. The human body was not created to sit and focus on a single task endlessly. The brain needs a change of perspective, some oxygen, and some rest.

When you get around and walk even a few short steps, it can help your brain gain the blood supply it needs. It will also be able to take a break and gain a new perspective on things. You should also use the break to take a healthy snack to help power up the body and brain.


Failing to create Lists for Tasks

Writing down any tasks that you have can actually help you to complete them in good time. However, if you want to ensure you complete them, avoid having too long a list. Always fit a reasonable amount of tasks within a given period. Otherwise, you will find yourself rushing through tasks. This will only serve you to make you less productive.

Always have a list of tasks to accomplish daily and allocate enough time for them. Ensure that you determine which tasks are most important and start with them. By having a small list, it will ensure you have accomplished something daily, which can boost your self-confidence.


Not Sleeping enough

In the modern work environment, it is quite common for people to take their work home with them and work through the night. However, no matter how much coffee you take the next morning, it will not help you operate at an optimal level. Trying to run on a sleep deficit will only serve to make you less efficient than you could be.

If you always find yourself waking up grumpy and tired, it might be that you have problems with sleep. Luckily, there does exist various medical solutions, which can help you sleep better and wake up feeling rested the next morning. If you are intentionally staying up late at night, you need to understand that your body needs about eight hours of sleep every night.


Lack of Light Exercise

While not everyone can be a workout guru with a sculptured body, you still need some basic workouts. If you are usually seated at your work desk all day, you need to change that. You can opt to take the stairs instead of the elevator. You can also opt to perform some light exercise at your desk if there is enough room. Additionally, you can do some light jogging outside daily before your depart for work.


Poor Lighting

When thinking about improving productivity, lighting is probably not on your mind. However, studies have found that natural lighting can help with improved productivity. Where possible, opt for as much natural light as possible as opposed to artificial lighting.


The Open Office Design

The open office has been promoted for many years as the wave of the future. However, this type of design can lead to many distractions throughout the day. As a result, everyone actually ends up achieving less at the end. It is especially detrimental to deep thinking. You might want to consider a closed office. You can also come up with other strategies such as using noise cancellation headphones to reduce the distractions.


What You Consume

It can be tempting to reach for that candy bar when your energy levels drop in the afternoon. However, if you are always consuming sugar, it will cause your blood sugar levels to drop drastically.

Instead of taking a sugary snack, you should consider consuming good fats and proteins during the day. Besides that, look for healthy carbohydrates, which release energy into your bloodstream. Additionally, ensure that you take enough water. Even slight dehydration can severely reduce your productivity and cause you to feel fatigued.


Visual Distractions

One common factor that people are not even aware of is right there in front of them. If there is too much clutter on your work desk, it can make it hard for you to concentrate on a serious task. Simply take a few minutes daily to place items in their proper places. There has been significant scientific research that has shown visual clutter does affect your mind’s ability to focus.


The Organizational Culture

In some cases, it might be actually those around you reducing your productivity. Maybe your co-workers have developed a culture of low productivity. For instance, maybe meetings never start when they are supposed to start or people always have last minute requests. However, you are not helpless. If you notice this is the case, you can try to communicate better and set an example for others. With time, you might actually change the culture to one that is productive.


Set Time to Respond to Emails and Calls

Depending on the day, it might seem like you are responding to emails all day. To avoid this issue, set aside time to respond to your emails and calls. This way, you will be more focused on immediate tasks. If an issue arises, you can then set up a period to respond to it.



Everyone has different techniques that he or she uses to boost their productivity. However, without being aware of what causes you to lose productivity sometimes, you will never work optimally. Ensure that you slowly go through the list above to find your Achilles heel. Once you identify what is holding back, work to improve yourself. It could help to earn you a promotion or just help you feel better about yourself.