Actionable Tips for Conducting Productive Meetings

It’s the start of the week, and you get into the office fully energized and brimming with hope of starting a productive week. You power the PC and set the workstation then give a round of friendly greetings to other staffers, but before you settle down for the week, you cheerfully turn to your calendar to check how the week will turn out. Suddenly, you quietly frown because your calendar reads meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Does this sound familiar? (more…)

It’s Not Work When You Love What You Do

I consider myself very fortunate that every day I get to wake up and do what I absolutely love. It’s this affection that I have for the tasks and challenges that fill my day that keeps me going when there’s a need for a 16 hour shift or when the little inevitable irritants start to pile up. I believe that we spend too much time at our jobs to be able to justify working at a place that makes you unhappy. Do you find yourself wondering if the career path you’ve chosen might not be the perfect fit? Here’s some things to consider that might make it easier to decide if you’re in occupational utopia or if its time to update that resume. (more…)

“What manager wouldn’t want that?”

I was recently giving the quick overview of Meritrick, our automatic time tracking software, to a stranger… my 20 second elevator pitch if you will.

It automatically keeps track of employees hours and productivity – tracking everything they do throughout the day so you get complete visibility.

His immediate response was, “What manager wouldn’t want that?” (more…)

Top tips for companies considering hiring remote workers

Across numerous industries, smaller and larger companies alike are taking advantage of the benefits of a remote workforce. In some companies, workers may be permitted to telecommute from home a few days each week. In other companies, entire departments may work remotely on a full-time basis. Remote workers may physically work from home yet still be in the same town as the company’s professional office. However, they may be based across the country or in an international location. While there are numerous benefits associated with a remote workforce, substantial challenges can arise and must be effectively addressed by management. (more…)

13 Simple Steps to Better Time Management

Work Smarter, Not Harder

It’s the age-old adage of learning to find ways to work smarter, not necessarily harder. It was H. Jackson Brown Jr. who is famously quoted stating to never complain about not having enough time and reminding people that we all have the same amount of hours in the day as people like Albert Einstein and Thomas Jefferson. This statement is still true to this day. (more…)

19 Ways Workers Waste Time

It is amazing how inventive workers can be when it relates to avoiding work.

There seems to be a limitless number of time wasters available for anyone seeking refuge from the rigors of their work life.

Who knew that some of the most lifeless and lethargic workers on the job could show such zeal and ingenuity in finding ways to avoid doing work. Maybe, it’s a strange gift of sorts, like being able to count cards or a photographic memory.

Looking to avoid the pain associated with work? Take some tips from the experts. (more…)